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Friday, April 27, 2007

ATKINS (low-carbohydrate diet)

The Atkins Diet is a very popular diet. Dr. Robert Atkins' concept, somewhat exaggerated by the media, that a person can lose weight while eating significant quantities of fat and protein but strictly reducing carbohydrates, has captured the public's imagination. The success of those who tried the diet varied depending on the degree they adhered to the long term stages of the diet structure. The Atkins diet was originally designed for diabetes patients who wanted to manage their insulin levels more effectively. The diet was also embraced by those seeking a diet that allows eating to satiation.

Atkins discourages refined carbohydrate intake and encourages protein intake, especially in the form of meat. The diet encourages the consumption of fruits and non-starchy vegetables for the provision of fiber and nutrients; it takes a somewhat neutral stand on fat intake.

Many people experience rapid initial weight loss on Atkins, some of which is due to depletion of glycogen stores in the liver. Loss of glycogen is associated with loss of water weight, since the body stores up to four pounds of water for each pound of glycogen.

Low carbohydrate diets have been shown to reduce the fasting levels of triglycerides. Elevated triglycerides are a demonstrated risk factor for heart disease. Low-fat diets also reduce fasting levels of triglycerides.

A low-carbohydrate diet may not be suitable as a long-term weight-maintenance diet. The products of fat metabolism and protein metabolism include ketones which can be harmful.
Successful weight-loss diets generally cause acidosis; symptoms range from mild fatigue to severe joint pain. Acidosis can be controlled by drinking water in large amounts and taking antacid supplements or eating vegetables grown in alkaline soil.

Human metabolism is enormously complicated. Diets whose effectiveness is not based on the simple balance of energy must be evaluated experimentally. The premise that protein is less fattening than carbohydrates is unproven, although the specific dynamic action of protein is 30%, while the corresponding figures for carbohydrate and fat are 6% and 4% respectively. ""One hundred kilocalories of protein produces an extra 30 kcal of heat, while similar amounts of carbohydrate and fat raise the metabolic rate by 6 and 4 kcal, respectively"

"Essential Human Anatomy and Physiology" Barbara R. Landau, 1976

Posted by carissa.perlin.rae :: 8:39 PM :: 0 comments

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